
Category Archive: Awards

  1. Behind the Chair with Lauren Tait

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    Behind the chair with Lauren Tait. She’s been Assistant Manager since the turn of 2024 at our salon in Holy Corner, and is a recent winner of not one, not two, but three awards at our annual Charlie Miller Achievement Awards! 

    Molly and Lauren are presented with the inaugural Cat Nicholson award.

    Our awards night is a huge event in the staff’s calendar, full of anticipation. It’s an honour to win anything, but three in one evening is no mean feat!

    Lauren’s first award was in a brand-new category; The Cat Nicholson Award. So named for our dear friend and colleague who we lost in March of 2023. Cat had a flair and passion for creativity and show stopping avant-garde hair. She was a pioneer of out-of-the-box thinking, and this is what The Cat Nicholson Award recognises.

    Lauren was joint winner with South St Andrew Street’s Molly Rufus due to their successes in the 2023  L’Oréal Colour Trophy. Lauren reached the Grand Final, (the second time she’s done so in her career) and for the support and guidance she offered Molly in her bid to win The Star Award at the same event. Molly went on to win in her category. Poignantly, some of the last conversations Cat had with the team was about how the photographic entries for The Colour Trophy were going.

    You can imagine then, how incredibly emotional this was for Lauren to win, and this alone would have made her evening, had she not gone on to win ‘Head Technician of The Year’ and the biggest prize of the evening, ‘Outstanding Hairdresser of The Year’.

    We can’t quite publish exactly what Lauren said when she heard her name called for this final award, we’ll leave it to your imagination!

    Frozen in her seat as her colleagues got to their feet around her, it took a few seconds for it to sink in. Even after ‘a good few drinks’ Lauren was nevertheless able to deliver an emotional speech expressing her gratitude and disbelief to rapturous applause. “I never usually drink at the awards”, she says, “as I quite often drive. But this year I just went for it. I definitely wasn’t expecting to win!”

    Lauren’s award categories are notoriously tough to win, and not many people would expect to win their first, second and third awards on the same evening. It’s testament to how much she has flourished since she first joined the company aged 15. 

    Lauren’s career began with Charlie Miller in 2000.

    It was only once the tough years of training, and the trials of qualifying gave way to running a column and a busy clientele, that Lauren truly felt she was doing what she was meant to be doing.  

    I didn’t dream of being a hairdresser when I was younger, I wanted to be an artist,” says Lauren. “Once I joined Charlie Miller, learned about the company, and actually got better at hairdressing, that’s when I found a love for it. I don’t truly like anything until I’m good at it.” She laughs. It took qualifying to confirm that she really did have a talent for it. “I considered art college at first, because I didn’t want to stay at school, but then I realised I didn’t want to do yet more education in a classroom environment and not know where I’d be after that. So, I needed a trade. And I’m lucky, because I love the one I chose.” 

    She does still paint, keeping it as a hobby. “There’s no pressure with it, if I want to paint something I’ll do it, but it’s for me. I paint whatever I feel like.”

    Lauren’s been creative as far back as she can remember. 

    Originally from Bathgate, Lauren’s first memory is playing with her little sister, Jennifer, four years her junior. She would build doll’s houses for her, stacking video cassettes to build the walls and cutting up her Mum’s tea towels for blankets. Jennifer is autistic, and she and Lauren have an amazing bond. Her best childhood memories are of creating, building, and generally making a mess.

    School wasn’t bad for Lauren, she just, in her own words, “wasn’t the model pupil”.  

    “I wasn’t bad! But if you read any of my old report cards, they all say, ‘Lauren’s a really nice girl but she’s very easily distracted.’ I’d get into trouble for chatting and then I wouldn’t like that class anymore. If I’d applied myself a bit more, I’d probably have been a straight A student. I enjoyed Art, Craft & Design and Religious Education. They interested me so that’s what I flourished in. I survived! But it was more of a laugh than anything else. I left in fourth year as soon as I finished my standard grades. I was 15.”

    Young Lauren told her parents she was leaving school, and as her mum, Lyn, had been a hairdresser, talk inevitably turned to a career as a stylist.

    “My mum had been following Charlie’s career since since she had watched him in a hair show. She felt this was the a great opportunity for me, and got me the application form herself.”

    But in case that didn’t work out, Lauren’s dad Bill wanted to ensure she had some other options. “One morning, my dad had a meeting in Edinburgh. He asked me to get up, get dressed and do my make-up, then dropped me off at the West End, and told me to hand my application into Charlie Miller, then go into all of the salons I liked the look of and ask for more application forms.

    He dropped her off on Stafford Street, right outside Charlie Miller. “Everyone looked so cool, dressed in great clothes and the girls all wore heels. I knew that was where I wanted to be.”

    The following week, her dad dropped her off again, armed with the now filled-in applications, and she handed them all back in.

    Three other Edinburgh salons offered Lauren a position as an apprentice, but her heart was set on Charlie Miller. They were the last to offer her a position, and she remembers her first day vividly, not least because she was wearing four-inch heels, took them off as soon as she left and walked to the train station in her bare feet. The first and last time she ever did that!

    Lauren remembers one of the stand-out days as a trainee was when everyone was busy making pompoms with real hair in the run up to the 2003 MTV Europe Music Awards in Edinburgh.

    “I remember watching it and seeing the pompoms we’d made for the backing dancers, and being so excited that I’d helped make them, and now I was watching them on stage at the MTV Awards.”

    Lauren reflects on how much she’s grown as a hairdresser, even down to which celebrity she’d choose to do the hair of. “Someone asked me this years ago, and I said Slash from Guns ‘N’ Roses… but thinking back, that’s really not my cutting style!” Now she’d choose Julia Roberts. “She seems like a nice person and her hair is beautiful.”

    Through our long-standing partnership with the Edinburgh International Film Festival, Lauren has actually styled a number of celebrities in her time. “I try not to do too much research into them beforehand, or else I’d get nervous. I want to treat them the same as I would every other client.”

    One of her fondest EIFF memories is doing Jamie Campbell’s hair.

    Also known as Fifi la True, Jamie is a British drag queen who was the inspiration behind the musical ‘Everybody’s Talking About Jamie’ and its film adaptation. “He was with his mum and Gran that evening, and I ended up doing the hair for all three of them,” recalls Lauren. Whilst she was doing Jamie’s hair, his mum was ironing an incredible fuchsia pink, French Renaissance-style gown that had been made by his grandmother, and before Lauren left, she helped him into it, whilst he towered over her in beautiful 6-inch Louboutin’s.

    Another stand-out career moment was assisting on a shoot for Rachel Scott Couture at the Balmoral Hotel.

    Charlie Miller had been enlisted to style the hair at a special shoot for Rachel Scott Couture*, one of Edinburgh’s luxury bridalwear retailers. Rachel was launching Vivienne Westwood Bridal in her Dundas Street store; the first time VW ever launched outside of London!

    Lauren was sent a mood board full of braids and crimped hair, and by the time they were finished, the model was wearing a stunning satin gown and a crimped mohawk. “I didn’t want to leave!” says Lauren. “I wanted to stay and watch the photo shoot, and watch every shot taken by Blue Sky Photography, but I had clients booked in, and I went back to the salon on a high”.

    Lauren credits her three experiences with the prestigious L’Oréal Colour Trophy as defining moments in her career.

    “It taught me a lot. I was given trust and freedom from Jason to do what I wanted with my model’s hair,” she says.  

    “I got to support Molly during the photo shoot too and doing that made me realise I knew more than I thought I did; I didn’t feel nervous or out of my depth in that situation.” 

    She credits Company Director Jason Miller with teaching her so much on previous photo shoots. “I’ve always been part of the Colour Trophy shoots over the years, assisting in the background and watching.”

    Lauren’s inspiration for her entries comes predominantly from social media.

    Her love for hair colour means she always tries to have her finger on the pulse and has gotten to the stage that she finds herself picking up on trends before they happen. 

    Having a mum who was a stylist has also been a huge influence for Lauren. Her advice and support has always been invaluable. Particularly so when it came to preparing to enter the L’Oreal Colour Trophy from helping her choose outfits to calming her when she has a bit of a wobble. “She’s always unbelievably proud of anything I achieve. When I phoned to tell her about the three Charlie Miller Awards I won, she was in tears.”

    When Lauren was newly qualified, she worked in the salon we used to have in Harvey Nichols, where Cat Nicholson was her manager. Cat taught her the art of communication, and Lauren, who describes herself as naturally shy, values this immensely.

    A great consultation comes from asking investigative questions to get to the root of what the client truly wants, as well as the skills to help them understand their own hair shape and texture. As someone who’s passionate about colour, it’s important to Lauren to impart her knowledge on the vast differences between professional colour and box dyes.

    “It takes experience to be sure you’re explaining things properly, and confidence in your abilities to give the correct advice,” she explains.   

    Lauren is open and honest, which has created a great relationship with her clients. “I just want them to be happy!” she says. “That’s my main goal. Becoming part of a client’s life, doing their wedding hair and their hair for their birthday is a great feeling.” Her favourite element of hairdressing is working with people; “to show a client the end result in the mirror, see them smile and know I’ve contributed to that; well, it’s just amazing.”  

    There’s nothing that a client could ask for that would faze her, and she would take on any challenge, but experience has taught her that when it comes to a couple of colour techniques like balayage, that it’s okay to say, “I’m happy to do this, but my colleague here is even more amazing at it!”

    Lauren feels like an entirely different person from who she was a decade ago. “I’ve had a good few years,” she reflects. “I’ve had great experiences at the L’Oréal Colour Trophy, won my [Charlie Miller] awards and become Assistant Manager.”  

    She’d always known she wanted to lean into the artistic side of hairdressing, but her rise to Assistant Manager was a natural progression.   

    “I remember Charlie himself doing an interview where he said that everything that’s happened with the business was organic. And I feel like my journey has been, too. I’m not naturally the first to put my name forward for things.”   

    “My life really changed about 7 or 8 years ago.”

    “I moved out when I was really young but found myself properly on my own a few years back. I lost my dad around the same time, and he was my go-to, the one who would fix anything for me.”

    It’s clear that Lauren’s dad was her rock. “He was amazing. Incredibly supportive. That forced me to grow up; I was entirely responsible for myself. I came out the other side of that, 6 or 7 months later, much stronger and clearer. I got through it with constant support from my mum and the rest of my family, but it became obvious that if I wanted something, I’d have to do it myself.”  

    “I was always a bit wild.”   

    Lauren recalls that she and her fellow trainees worked hard, but always had a laugh. She remembers one of the girls getting into a towel box, but Amber came in for her lunch while she was in it, so instead of just getting out, she stayed in said box until Amber left the staff room. She’s unsure if Amber ever found out; of course, she will now!

    Lauren loved a night out (or an all-night rave, to be exact) and has experienced many a hungover Saturday as a trainee, but would never have dreamt of phoning in sick. It just wasn’t the done thing. “You just got on with it!” Lauren’s generation of hairdressers have certainly grown up now. “We’re all into wellness, yoga and matcha lattes now!,” she says.   

    Lauren has a novel way of relaxing on her breaks that might surprise a few people; she listens to Julio Iglesias!

    “He was my dad’s favourite.” she explains. She’s also a fan of Andrea Bocelli. Her favourite genre of music however, is rock or metal. She does throw us a bit of a curve ball though, when we ask what her go-to song for karaoke would be… “Without Me, by Eminem! I know every line, and Karen from Stafford Street will vouch for me on that!”   

    She also loves watching Schitt’s Creek, her comfort show, and an ideal day off would be spent with her little sister and mum. They often drive together to places like Callander or Kenmore. “Anywhere with fresh air and water.” She also loves quality time with her partner, Murray, who’s she’s been with for 7 years. She describes him as “incredibly supportive, encouraging and gives me space to do what I want to do.”   

    Murray has encouraged Lauren’s love of travel, contributing to her exploring more of the world than she has before. “I love travelling with him, he’s a lot of fun, really funny. He’s helped me feel confident about travel and I think I’d be able to go away on my own now.” Her favourite place so far has been Croatia, which is also where she had her favourite meal of all time, a traditional Croatian dish called Cevapi.   

    And on the subject of food; if she were one- what would she be?! She gets some input from others on this one, and two people say ‘melon’ (apparently, it’s a ‘chilled out’ fruit?!). Two others inexplicably say strawberry… Ultimately though, Lauren goes with “marshmallow, because I’m the world’s biggest softie!” 

    We ask Lauren if she happened upon a magic lamp, what her three wishes would be; she’d choose for her friends and family to be happy and healthy, for inner peace, and to be able to give her loved ones a comfortable life. If she could choose a super power, it would be to become a healer.  

    Ultimately, she’d like to be remembered as someone who was kind, chilled out and funny.   

    We’d go a little bit further than that; Lauren is a great support to the team at Holy Corner, a very talented and creative stylist and a great mentor. As much as Lauren credits others for teaching her how to communicate, her salon manager Amber tells us that Lauren’s abilities are very natural. 

    “It isn’t taught, it’s a feeling.” Amber tells us.   

    “Apart from her fantastic ability to look after each client with a great level of care and remembering all the details of previous visits, Lauren is incredibly intuitive at looking after staff and really listening to what they need. Lauren never seeks praise & always tunes in to the emotional well-being of the team.”

    “And,” adds Amber, “she always knows when I need a cup of tea.”  

    It’s word like these that show exactly why she’s a fantastic Assistant Manager, and a great asset to the Charlie Miller family.  

    You can also keep up to date with all the things our wonderful teams get up to by following us on our social channels, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Tiktok.


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  2. Choosing and Maintaining a Creative Colour

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    Is it time for you to change up your colour?

    Creative colour to us is anything that doesn’t look like natural colour, be it vivids, pastels or two-toned hair. Choosing and maintaining a creative colour isn’t always easy, but we have the insider knowledge on how to get the most from your bright or muted hue.

    We’ve been working with bright and pastels for many years. While they once used to shock and surprise and were often reserved for Avant Garde hair shows, nowadays they’re highly requested fashion choices. What’s more, there’s certainly no age limit on creative colours; pastels look incredible in naturally grey or white hair, and since many of the more striking tones can fade faster than natural colours, they’re often favoured by those who are new to colouring their hair.

    Get all the facts before you change it up.

    For expert tips on choosing and maintaining a creative colour, we turned to Ellie, Senior Salon Stylist and Salon Technician in our Stafford Street branch. Ellie loves to work with beautiful bright colours, and here she guides us through the decision making that goes into getting creative with your colour. (more…)

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  3. Post-Treatment Hair Series – The First Cut

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    We all know that hair loss is a common side effect when undergoing cancer treatment, and something that effects thousands of people every year.

    Our hair is a very important part of our identity and losing it can be a distressing experience in an already challenging time. But what happens post-treatment when the hair starts to grow back? It may have changed colour and texture. It may have grown back unevenly and at varying speeds.

    Following treatment, our very lovely, long-term client Sarah Howden experienced just that and asked us for help and advice. And, to support others in a similar position, she has kindly offered to share her journey in a series of post-chemotherapy hair blogs, this being the first.

    Throughout the process, we will be publishing updates from Sarah, as well as sharing advice and recommendations from her stylists Roz and Casey. Along with other stylists across the company, Roz has a wealth of experience in helping clients deal with hair loss during cancer treatment and giving guidance on how best to encourage growth and optimise the health of the hair.

    The First Cut

    I have been having my hair cut at Charlie Miller Salons for over 30 years, originally sitting on a booster cushion as I was so young, and having Charlie himself trim my long, thick hair. I absolutely loved the whole experience, always left feeling so special and it is why, as I enter my 40s, I wouldn’t consider anywhere else.

    The team have styled and transformed me through every big moment of my life. My graduation. My first red carpet movie premier (for work, sadly!). My wedding. The birth of my three children. And my cancer diagnosis last year. My stylist counselled me through wig choices and took the time to look at my selection, guiding me to the best one. She cut into my selected wig to ensure it looked as natural as possible and chopped my own hair short in preparation for it falling out. The team made me feel normal and gave me the confidence to enter this new terrifying stage with my head held high – hair or no hair.

    My hair did fall out, just two weeks after my first IV chemotherapy. I was so unwell with the cocktail of drugs and the extreme effect it had on my body that I actually didn’t care. Losing your hair does strip you of your femininity and it was hard to look at myself in the mirror. However, I was prepared, and my wig looked great on the days I was well enough to put it on.

    Now, more than a year later, after six rounds of chemotherapy and a gruelling stem cell transplant, I have new hair. It is dark (I used to be blonde), it is messy, it’s different lengths and textures but it’s back. And so, my first cut was a big deal to me. It was symbolic. I had made it to remission and my new stem cells had grown me a new mane.

    I was only ever returning to Charlie Miller Salons and, as ever, I felt instantly at home. And special. First up was a bit of an education on scalp and hair health to stimulate cell turnover and maximise my regrowth. I invested in their eponymous haircare range as all are sulphate and paraben-free, formulated with jasmine extract, organic calendula flower extract and organic sage oil to lock in moisture, sooth scalps and encourage new hair growth. Post cancer, you become extremely aware of what you put on and in your body.

    I also picked up a Manta hairbrush, a super gentle and anti-breakage innovative brush that also hugs the contours of your head, massaging the scalp to encourage hair growth. Funnily enough, it was developed by a professional hairdresser who created this brush for his wife who’d lost her hair after cancer.

    Then it was haircut time. My consultation had revealed that the ends of my hair where almost chalky with the effects of chemotherapy and needed to be cut away to promote healthier growth. After a wash, head massage (oh how I’d missed the Charlie Miller massages!) and hydrating treatment, my stylist trimmed and tidied my hair, expertly working it into the choppy pixie look I was hoping to achieve down the line. I was then shown how to style it and the best products to use to add depth and texture.

    The result was perfection, a masterclass in transformation. Friends and family loved it, strangers in the street complimented me. I no longer looked like a cancer patient and, importantly, for the first time in a long time, I felt good. Pretty, even.


    In the next post, Sarah will share an update on her progress with her hair: how it is growing and feeling, and how she has felt getting to grips with her new products and routine. Roz will also be sharing the wisdom behind the products she is recommending, as well as other advice for promoting hair health.

    If you don’t want to miss this series, make sure you are following us on our social channels. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. To find your nearest salon click here.

    Products mentioned in this post:

    Charlie Miller Haircare – Hydrate Shampoo (also available in Charlie Miller Salons)

    Charlie Miller Haircare – Hydrate Conditioner (also available in Charlie Miller Salons)

    Manta Brush (also available in Charlie Miller Salons)

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  4. Awards 2018

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    The glamour of Charlie Miller graced Edinburgh this week at our annual Achievement Awards ceremony.

    This year, the 19th Charlie Miller Awards, were held at the Kimpton Hotel on Charlotte Square where guests enjoyed delicious food and excellent hospitality. Attending the event with 100+ staff and management were our founders Charlie & Janet Miller along with guests from Kérastase, L’Oréal and We Are Hair & Beauty.

    In addition to the celebrations, the night was all about having fun! Games such as Play Your Cards Right and Hit or Miss were woven throughout the ceremony and played by all attendees. Staff also participated in tombola comprising of wonderful gifts from local Edinburgh businesses such as:

    The Balmoral, Fox & Co, Di Maggio, Chamomile Sanctuary, Glam Candy, Hard Rock Cafe, PAINT Hair & Nails, Honeycomb & Co., Lauren Gollan Makeup,  Radisson Collection, Paper Tiger, Mimi’s Bakehouse, Ocean Terminal, One Spa, Kimpton Hotel, Scran & Scallie, Pickering’s Gin, The Glasshouse, Wildflowers, Fazenda, Gusto and All About Eve.

    Compered by radio presenter and event host, Grant Stott, the evening culminated in high excitement and rapturous applause on the announcement and presentation of 24 Charlie Miller Achievement Awards.


    Rosslyn Orr, Outstanding Hairdresser of the Year

    Rebecca Fairclough, Trainee of the Year Stafford Street

    Ria Taylor, Trainee of the Year South St Andrew Street

    Demi Colligan, Trainee of the Year Frederick Street

    Megan MacColl, Trainee of the Year Ocean Terminal

    Ellie Gilhooley, Trainee of the Year Holy Corner

    Rachel Grayson, 3rd Year Trainee of the Year

    Ria Taylor, Trainee Competition Winner Group B

    Demi Colligan, Trainee Competition Winner Group A

    Natalie Cole, Retail Salesperson of the Year

    Denise Brown, Receptionist of the Year

    Natalie Cole, Treatment Salesperson of the Year

    80+Club Winners (Client Retention) : Corry Riley, Elle Craik, Karen Kennedy, Leigh Forrest, Lorraine McDiarmid, Rosy Kenny, Karyn Holloway, Laura Wyles, Michelle Baigan, Nicola McGuire, Richard Beggs,  Rosslyn Orr, Hayley Dallas, Hannah Lennon, Lynsey Wilson, Natalie Cole, Karen Jones, Tammy Neillings, Amber Swift, Lisa Allen, Steven Suckling & Lauren Tait 

    Yvonne Blyth, Janet Miller Award

    Joanna Drummond, Graduate Stylist of the Year

    Carla McGuire, Salon Stylist of the Year

    Philip Michie, Senior Stylist of the Year

    Nicola McGuire, Head Stylist of the Year

    Karen Kennedy, Senior Head Stylist of the Year

    Neil Purves, Men’s Stylist of the Year

    Philip Michie, Salon Technician of the Year

    Hayley Dallas, Senior Technician of the Year

    Rosslyn Orr, Head Technician of the Year

    Well done to our wonderful team!

    Keep up to date with all thing Charlie Miller by following our Salon and Haircare Instagram.

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  5. Red Carpet Season Highlights 2019

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    This month our Stylists have been inspired by the glamour of Awards Season.

    As expected, the trends vary from one awards show to the next. The BAFTA attendees sported sleek looks compared to those at the Grammy’s where volume was in vogue for the night proving, as always, the red carpet is unpredictable yet never disappoints.

    Graduate stylist Rowan from our Stafford Street branch has recreated her favourite looks. Which style is your favourite?


    Amy Adams – The Sleek Pony

    Award Season Sleek Ponytail Look


    Thandie Newton – Slick & Straight

    Sleek and straight hairstyle











    Eve – Half Up & Curly

    Awards half up half down look










    Miley Cyrus – Waves

    Miley Cyrus wavy hair look










    Keep up to date with all things social by following our Instagram’s @charliemillersalons and @charliemillerhaircare


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  6. Graduation 2018

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    Our fabulous Charlie Miller stylists graduate in style and celebrate their hard work and achievements!


    Charlie Miller staff from across the salons were invited to an evening of recognition to celebrate and applaud team members who had graduated from trainee to stylist.

    A company first, the inaugural graduation ceremony was held at the King Khalid Auditorium in Edinburgh’s Surgeon’s Hall where all 5 salons came together along with invited guests to share in individual successes.

    Proud family members and salon teams added to the atmosphere in the room as each Graduate Stylist was met with a huge round of cheer and applause when called upon to collect their certificate from their salon manager!

    Before achieving Graduate Stylist status, trainees must complete and pass the highly-regarded 3-year Charlie Miller Training Programme in cutting and styling, colour and customer service. We believe this is something worth celebrating!

    Our graduation evening had an amazing family feel with an exciting buzz” commented, Jason Miller, Joint Managing Director. “It was lovely to see how people have grown and developed in their craft and as individuals.  The graduation night provided a real sense of achievement for those stylists involved and we hope this will inspire others to have belief in what they can achieve. Hopefully we have created a further hunger for development and learning. There is excitement now and for others in the future”.

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  7. 6 Graduation Hairstyles for any hair length

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    Graduation Hair Inspiration

    If you’re totally stumped on how to wear your hair for your graduation photos,  here are some hair do’s that will be sure to impress on the big day!

    1. The Picture Perfect Style

    Work with your natural hair and find the style that suits you and your hair type perfectly. Creating curls is a way of achieving a style that naturally looks simple yet elegant.

    2.The Crown Braid

    Just like with long hair, a braid can be a way of achieving a look that is both practical and pretty for short hair. A crown braid that is half up half down is especially flattering for short hair cuts as it adds volume.


    3. The Elegant Bun

    If you would like something a little bit more formal then the elegant bun, is a way to take it a step up. It’ll look gorgeous in photos with or sans cap, plus it’ll hold up nicely for celebratory post shoot, drinks and dinner!


    4. The Braid


    If your graduation day is forecast to be windy that brings the danger of loose wavy hair styles ending up in front of your face.  A braid can be an easy option to have your hair out of the way but still looking gorgeous. It won’t bother you when you are taking pictures or dancing the night away!

    5. The Half Up Half Down

    If a full braid seems a bit like too much commitment a half up half down style might be the one for you. Your hair will be out of your way but having the other part of your hair half down, it will still frame your face.


    6. Beachy Waves and Loose Curls




    Lastly whether your hair is long, short, fine or thick loose curls or beachy waves suit almost any hair type. Just make sure to use hairspray to fix your curls in place!

    And if you are still stuck, why not come in and have a chat with one of our stylist? They’ll be sure to advise you on what style will suit you best.

    If you would like an appointment simply book online. 

    Keep up to date with our social media to stay informed about news, updates and competitions on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. 

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  8. Scottish Region Winner – Colour Trophy Success 2018

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    The longest live hairdressing event in the world, the L’Oréal Colour Trophy is now in its 63rd year. Having evolved from relatively humble beginnings this prestigious competition showcases some of the brightest talent from around the UK.

    The ‘Colour Trophy Award’, the ‘Men’s Image Award’, the ‘Colour Trophy STAR Award’ and the ‘Colour Trophy Afro Award’ were all up for grabs this year. Stylist & colourist Leigh Forrest and stylists and colourists Rosslyn Orr & Michele Baigan separately entered the ‘Colour Trophy Award’ with our third team stylist and colourist, Tammy Neillings opting to enter the ‘Men’s Image Award’.

    Qualification to London’s Grand Final came in the Glasgow semi-final and all three teams headed down to London to present their amazing looks. Hosted by TV Presenter Reggie Yates, the evening at Battersea Evolution was judged by some of the industry’s most respected names including Charles Worthington, Richard Ward, Errol Douglas and our very own Jason Miller .

    Scottish Region Winner and UK Runner Up Overall for our Leigh!

    The judges found Leigh’s look so impressive, that she won Best of Region Scotland and runner up for the overall Colour Trophy Award!

    Her 18 years of experience clearly showed as she presented her model. Fascinated by contemporary movements and in particular the recent centenary of the Women’s Vote, Leigh was spurred on to research previous decades. She felt inspired by the 20’s in particular and the idea behind her look was born. “The 20s was all about female empowerment and about defying beauty norms. It was about women doing what they want, when they want and doing it looking how they want. Having shorter hair was one of the ways women expressed themselves and  inspired me to create my look. I have the same model as last year but we created a totally different look.”

    Leading up to the day the excitement was felt in all five salons. “Everyone is so excited which is so nice. Younger stylists are so inspired that they too are hoping to compete one day. I’m still extremely happy to have won best in region for Scotland”. With these awards now over Leigh is looking forward to continuing to work on new creative projects.

    We are so proud of each of our teams and would like to congratulate them all for their amazing work!

    If you would like to be styled by one of our Colour Trophy Grand Finalists or any of our fabulous stylists, simply use our booking tool. 

    Keep up to date with news, competitions and offers on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. 

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  9. #TBT – L’Oréal Colour Trophy 2015

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    L’Oréal Colour Trophy 2015 ‘INTERFACE’

    With next week’s L’Oréal Colour Trophy just around the corner, we are taking a look back at the 2015 Trophy!

    Working their magic at the 60th anniversary the Charlie Miller Artistic Team created a show titled ‘INTERFACE’. A beautiful collaboration of hair and fashion the show showcased their strong passion for intricate couture hair styling with a meeting of tones and textures, elegance and beauty. Jason and India Miller, the creative brains behind the show, commented at the time:

    “It’s a delight and an honour to be asked to do the show for the 60th Anniversary. The L’Oréal Colour Trophy is one of the most amazing events in the hairdressing calendar. It’s also an exciting opportunity to produce hairdressing with the ambition to inspire our peers”.


    Grand Final in London 2018

    With final judging for the 2018 Grand Trophy taking place on Monday 4th June at Battersea Evolution in London we’re all behind our Grand Finalists Rosslyn, Michele, Tammy & Leigh! To find out more about each and every one of our hopeful candidates check out our blog posts about Rosslyn, Tammy, Leigh and all their inspirations.

    We wish them good luck and have our fingers crossed!

    #LCT18 #MensImageAward #hair #haircolour #hairstyling #hairinspo#ColourTrophyGrandFinal #competition #judging

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  10. Leigh Forrest – L’Oréal Colour Trophy Semi-Finalist

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    Leigh Forrest, Stafford Street Assistant Salon Manager, has been hairdressing for 18 years. She competed in the L’Oréal Colour Trophy awards last year and made it to London’s Grand Final. She describes this as an amazing experience, “it’s incredible that our Directors encourage us to enter; it shows how much they believe in us and our abilities. To be competing is terrifying but it’s so exciting.”

    Fascinated by contemporary movements and in particular the recent centenary of the Women’s Vote Leigh was spurred on to research previous decades. She felt inspired by the 20’s in particular and the idea behind her look was born. “The 20s was all about female empowerment and about defying beauty norms. It was about women doing what they want, when they want and doing it looking how they want. Having shorter hair was one of the ways women expressed themselves and  inspired me to create my look. I have the same model as last year but have created a totally different look.”


    The Stafford Street salon has been behind Leigh all the way. “Everyone is so excited for me which is so nice. Younger stylists have been so inspired and are hoping to compete too one day after seeing me go through the process. I’m now working on adding the final touches to my models outfit which has been a really exciting and fun aspect, I’m in the stages of picking a killer pair of shoes to complete the look and then I’m ready to hit Glasgow!”

    When the awards are over Leigh is looking forward to growing as a stylist and to continue working on creative projects. The winner of the L’Oréal Colour Trophy is given a massive amount of amazing opportunities and it will open so many doors so if any new opportunities come out of the awards at all it will be deemed a success by Leigh, “I just can’t wait to see my model on the stage and I’m hoping it looks as amazing as I think it will.”

    In a bid to reach the Grand Finals of the 2018 L’Oréal Colour Trophy in London in June, Leigh is competing in the semi-finals of this prestigious event at the SEC in Glasgow on April 18th alongside 2 other Charlie Miller Colourists, Rosslyn Orr and Tammy Neillings.

    We wish them all the very best of luck!


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  11. Rosslyn Orr – L’Oréal Colour Trophy Semi-Finalist

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    Rosslyn Orr (aka Roz) is Salon Manager at Charlie Miller’s salon in South St Andrew Street. She has been hairdressing for 26 years. As one of our six L’Oréal Colour Specialists she is responsible for ensuring that the colour output in the salon is always at the highest level. Mentor to fellow stylists and trainees, she quietly supports others around her. However his year, for the first time in her career, she is putting herself forward. She will be in the limelight by participating in the prestigious L’Oréal Colour Trophy competition.

    Since taking on the challenge the buzz in the salon has been electric and Roz feels that her decision to enter helped others feel motivated and inspired to put themselves forward too. Michelle Baigan, Senior Head Stylist at the salon is supporting Roz who describes how working together has been an amazing experience: “Michelle cuts hair like none other and has been doing it for more than 20 years. She really understands a head of hair so to work with her has been incredible. I encouraged her to become a Colourist and she qualified last year. This is huge for her as well.”

    Charlie Miller Inspiration

    As a result of the semi-final announcement some of the younger stylists in the salon have been staying behind to watch Roz in action to understand colour and technique even more. The energy in the salon is contagious. “It’s important for me as a leader in the salon to encourage stylists of every age and to let them know that they can achieve their dream.”

    Inspired originally by an Alexander McQueen show full of ultraviolet shades and hues Rosslyn set her creative mind on using similar tones amongst blonde/icy colour. This season’s hair trends were shaping up to have lots of silver and violet so her choice was defined.

    In a bid to reach the Grand Finals of the 2018 L’Oréal Colour Trophy Roz is competing in the semi-finals. This prestigious event will be held at the SEC in Glasgow. Two other Charlie Miller Colourists, Tammy Neillings and Leigh Forrest have also qualified and will be going.

    We wish them all the very best of luck!

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  12. Charlie Miller Achievement Award Winners!

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    Charlie Miller Achievement Awards

    The 18th Charlie Miller Achievement Award presentation dinner took place on Easter Sunday with teams from all 5 salons gathering to celebrate success and achievements in a special night of glitz, glamour and reward.

    From Trainee Stylists of the Year to Outstanding Hairdresser of the Year, the company gave out 22 individual achievement awards as a result of recognising and rewarding great work and performance delivered throughout 2017.

    Presented by Charlie Miller Directors and Managers along with representatives from L’Oréal Professional, Kérastase and We Love Hair & Beauty this stylish event was held at the Radisson Blu on Edinburgh’s Royal Mile and hosted by award-winning Radio and TV Presenter, Grant Stott.

    First the grand prix achievement award for ‘Outstanding Hairdresser of the Year’ was announced and presented to a stunned Elle Craik, Stafford Street’s Salon Manager. While PR & Marketing Manager Yvonne Blyth, picked up a 20 year Long Service Award.

    “Our managers are extremely proud of their teams and our Awards night is the culmination of a successful year of business where we recognise and reward great work and great performance” said Joint Managing Directors, Jason & Joshua Miller. “There’s so much genuine camaraderie around for each and every winner and we are thankful and grateful to have such a fantastic group of people working with us.”

    This celebratory night comprised of a pre-dinner drinks reception, a 4-course dinner, games and a tombola draw with many fabulous prizes. The prizes were donated by numerous local companies and being given away to the lucky ticket holders. In addition the staff and guests then celebrated by dancing into the small hours.


    Elle Craik, Outstanding Hairdresser of the Year

    Christie Whitelaw, Trainee of the Year Stafford Street

    Sophie Frame, Trainee of the Year South St Andrew Street

    Rachel Grayson, Trainee of the Year Frederick Street

    Nicole Hewitt, Trainee of the Year Ocean Terminal

    Sarah Walls, Trainee of the Year Holy Corner

    Ethan Coston, Trainee Competition Winner Group B

    Rachel Meechan, Trainee Competition Winner Group A

    Cat Nicholson, Retail Salesperson of the Year

    Hannah Wilson, Receptionist of the Year

    Karen Jones, Treatment Salesperson of the Year

    80+Club Winners (Client Retention) : Corry Riley, Rosslyn Orr, Natalie Cole, Elle Craik, Karen Kennedy, Lorraine McDiarmid, Rosy Brogan, Leigh Forrest, Amber Swift, Steven Suckling & Richard Beggs;

    Yvonne Blyth, 20-year Long Service Award

    Euan Alexander, Graduate Stylist of the Year

    Philip Michie, Salon Stylist of the Year

    Stephanie Skellet, Senior Stylist of the Year

    Lynsey Wilson, Head Stylist of the Year

    Steven Suckling, Senior Head Stylist of the Year

    Neil Purves, Men’s Stylist of the Year

    Carla McGuire, Salon Technician of the Year

    Neil Purves, Senior Technician of the Year

    Karen Jones, Head Technician of the Year

    We would like to congratulate all the winners and are proud of our staff.


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  13. L’Oréal Colour Trophy – The Journey

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    From the Edinburgh photoshoot to Glasgow’s Backstage Finals and then on to London’s Grand Finals, this year’s L’Oréal Colour Trophy competition was an incredible journey for Leigh, Natalie & Tammy! Here’s a peek into the prep and final looks from these amazing and talented stylists. Especially with the support of MUA Ebony. Well done to you all!!

    Feeling inspired?

    Pop in to any of our five Edinburgh salons and ask for a consultation with our highly qualified stylists. They will be delighted to discuss your ideas and transform your hair using cutting edge techniques and luxury treatments and products including Smartbond by L’Oréal Professional. Why not join us on twitterInstagram and Facebook #cmhairdressing?


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  14. Glitz, Glamour & Awards!

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    Love and happiness spread like wildfire at this year’s Charlie Miller Achievement Awards Presentation Dinner as the teams from all 5 salons gathered to celebrate success and achievements in a night of glitz, glamour & awards. From Trainee Stylists of the Year to Outstanding Hairdresser of the Year, the company gave out 29 Awards to recognise and rewarded the hard work, commitment and dedication shown throughout 2016.

    Presented by Charlie Miller Directors and Managers along with representatives from L’Oréal Professional and ghd Professional this highly glamorous annual event was held at the Radisson Blu on Edinburgh’s Royal Mile on Sunday 5th March and hosted by award-winning Radio and TV Presenter, Grant Stott.

    The biggest win of the night, the Grand Prix Award for ‘Outstanding Hairdresser of the Year’, was announced and presented to Holy Corner’s Salon Manager, Amber Swift whilst, Ocean Terminal’s Salon Manager, Cat Nicholson was presented with a diamond ring in honour of her loyalty and support over the past 20 years.

    “Our Awards event is a wonderful opportunity for everyone to celebrate together and it’s an exciting night of glitz and glamour, success and reward”, said Joint Managing Director, Jason Miller. “It’s also our time to let our teams know that their good work doesn’t go un-noticed. There’s so much genuine camaraderie around and we are thankful and grateful to have such a fantastic group of people working with us.”

    The evening comprised amongst other things of a pre-dinner drinks reception, a 4-course meal and a tombola prize draw with 36 spectacular prizes followed by dancing into the small hours.

    WINNERS are: Amber Swift, Outstanding Hairdresser of the Year; Euan Alexander, Trainee of the Year Stafford Street; Hannah Burns & Sophie Frame, Joint Trainee of the Year South St Andrew Street ; Rachel Grayson, Trainee of the Year Frederick Street; Claire Ross, Trainee of the Year Ocean Terminal; Rachel Meechan, Trainee of the Year Holy Corner; Kayley Fleming, Trainee Competition Winner Group B; Joanna Drummond, Trainee Competition Winner Group A; Natalie Cole, The Janet Miller Award; Cat Nicholson, Retail Salesperson of the Year; Mairi Pryde, Receptionist of the Year; Karen Jones, Treatment Salesperson of the Year; 80+Club Winners (Client Retention): Rosslyn Orr, Richard Beggs, Natalie Cole & Michelle Brash, Corry Riley (not in photo), Mori Neill (not in photo),  ; Cat Nicholson, Long Service Award; Philip Michie, Graduate Stylist of the Year; Emily Keen, Salon Stylist of the Year; Stephanie Skellet, Senior Stylist of the Year; Steven Suckling, Head Stylist of the Year; Lisa Jane Allen, Senior Head Stylist of the Year; Neil Purves, Men’s Stylist of the Year; Rebekah Smith, Salon Technician of the Year; Laura Wyles, Senior Technician of the Year; Rosslyn Orr, Head Technician of the Year

    Amber-Swift,-OutstandingEuan-Trainee-of-the-Year-SSHannah-&-Sophie-Trainee-of-the-Year-SSASRachel-Grayson-Trainee-of-the-Year-FSClaire-Trainee-of-the-Year-OT Rachel-Meechan-Trainee-of-the-Year-HCKayley-Fleming,-Trainee-Comp-Winner-Group-BJoanna-Drummond,-Trainee-Comp-Winner-Group-A Natalie-Cole,-The-Janet-Miller-AwardCat-Retail-SalespersonMairi-Pryde,-ReceptionistKaren-Jones-Treatment-Salesperson
    80+ClubCat-Long-ServicePhilip-Michie,-Graduate-StylistEmily-Salon-Stylist-of-the-YearStephanie-Skellett,-Senior-StylistSteven-Suckling,-Head-StylistLisa-Allen,-Senior-HeadNeil-Purves,-Mens'-StylistLaura-Wyles,-Senior-Tech Rosslyn-Orr,-Head-Tech

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