
Category Archive: News

  1. Behind the Chair with Lauren Tait

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    Behind the chair with Lauren Tait. She’s been Assistant Manager since the turn of 2024 at our salon in Holy Corner, and is a recent winner of not one, not two, but three awards at our annual Charlie Miller Achievement Awards! 

    Molly and Lauren are presented with the inaugural Cat Nicholson award.

    Our awards night is a huge event in the staff’s calendar, full of anticipation. It’s an honour to win anything, but three in one evening is no mean feat!

    Lauren’s first award was in a brand-new category; The Cat Nicholson Award. So named for our dear friend and colleague who we lost in March of 2023. Cat had a flair and passion for creativity and show stopping avant-garde hair. She was a pioneer of out-of-the-box thinking, and this is what The Cat Nicholson Award recognises.

    Lauren was joint winner with South St Andrew Street’s Molly Rufus due to their successes in the 2023  L’Oréal Colour Trophy. Lauren reached the Grand Final, (the second time she’s done so in her career) and for the support and guidance she offered Molly in her bid to win The Star Award at the same event. Molly went on to win in her category. Poignantly, some of the last conversations Cat had with the team was about how the photographic entries for The Colour Trophy were going.

    You can imagine then, how incredibly emotional this was for Lauren to win, and this alone would have made her evening, had she not gone on to win ‘Head Technician of The Year’ and the biggest prize of the evening, ‘Outstanding Hairdresser of The Year’.

    We can’t quite publish exactly what Lauren said when she heard her name called for this final award, we’ll leave it to your imagination!

    Frozen in her seat as her colleagues got to their feet around her, it took a few seconds for it to sink in. Even after ‘a good few drinks’ Lauren was nevertheless able to deliver an emotional speech expressing her gratitude and disbelief to rapturous applause. “I never usually drink at the awards”, she says, “as I quite often drive. But this year I just went for it. I definitely wasn’t expecting to win!”

    Lauren’s award categories are notoriously tough to win, and not many people would expect to win their first, second and third awards on the same evening. It’s testament to how much she has flourished since she first joined the company aged 15. 

    Lauren’s career began with Charlie Miller in 2000.

    It was only once the tough years of training, and the trials of qualifying gave way to running a column and a busy clientele, that Lauren truly felt she was doing what she was meant to be doing.  

    I didn’t dream of being a hairdresser when I was younger, I wanted to be an artist,” says Lauren. “Once I joined Charlie Miller, learned about the company, and actually got better at hairdressing, that’s when I found a love for it. I don’t truly like anything until I’m good at it.” She laughs. It took qualifying to confirm that she really did have a talent for it. “I considered art college at first, because I didn’t want to stay at school, but then I realised I didn’t want to do yet more education in a classroom environment and not know where I’d be after that. So, I needed a trade. And I’m lucky, because I love the one I chose.” 

    She does still paint, keeping it as a hobby. “There’s no pressure with it, if I want to paint something I’ll do it, but it’s for me. I paint whatever I feel like.”

    Lauren’s been creative as far back as she can remember. 

    Originally from Bathgate, Lauren’s first memory is playing with her little sister, Jennifer, four years her junior. She would build doll’s houses for her, stacking video cassettes to build the walls and cutting up her Mum’s tea towels for blankets. Jennifer is autistic, and she and Lauren have an amazing bond. Her best childhood memories are of creating, building, and generally making a mess.

    School wasn’t bad for Lauren, she just, in her own words, “wasn’t the model pupil”.  

    “I wasn’t bad! But if you read any of my old report cards, they all say, ‘Lauren’s a really nice girl but she’s very easily distracted.’ I’d get into trouble for chatting and then I wouldn’t like that class anymore. If I’d applied myself a bit more, I’d probably have been a straight A student. I enjoyed Art, Craft & Design and Religious Education. They interested me so that’s what I flourished in. I survived! But it was more of a laugh than anything else. I left in fourth year as soon as I finished my standard grades. I was 15.”

    Young Lauren told her parents she was leaving school, and as her mum, Lyn, had been a hairdresser, talk inevitably turned to a career as a stylist.

    “My mum had been following Charlie’s career since since she had watched him in a hair show. She felt this was the a great opportunity for me, and got me the application form herself.”

    But in case that didn’t work out, Lauren’s dad Bill wanted to ensure she had some other options. “One morning, my dad had a meeting in Edinburgh. He asked me to get up, get dressed and do my make-up, then dropped me off at the West End, and told me to hand my application into Charlie Miller, then go into all of the salons I liked the look of and ask for more application forms.

    He dropped her off on Stafford Street, right outside Charlie Miller. “Everyone looked so cool, dressed in great clothes and the girls all wore heels. I knew that was where I wanted to be.”

    The following week, her dad dropped her off again, armed with the now filled-in applications, and she handed them all back in.

    Three other Edinburgh salons offered Lauren a position as an apprentice, but her heart was set on Charlie Miller. They were the last to offer her a position, and she remembers her first day vividly, not least because she was wearing four-inch heels, took them off as soon as she left and walked to the train station in her bare feet. The first and last time she ever did that!

    Lauren remembers one of the stand-out days as a trainee was when everyone was busy making pompoms with real hair in the run up to the 2003 MTV Europe Music Awards in Edinburgh.

    “I remember watching it and seeing the pompoms we’d made for the backing dancers, and being so excited that I’d helped make them, and now I was watching them on stage at the MTV Awards.”

    Lauren reflects on how much she’s grown as a hairdresser, even down to which celebrity she’d choose to do the hair of. “Someone asked me this years ago, and I said Slash from Guns ‘N’ Roses… but thinking back, that’s really not my cutting style!” Now she’d choose Julia Roberts. “She seems like a nice person and her hair is beautiful.”

    Through our long-standing partnership with the Edinburgh International Film Festival, Lauren has actually styled a number of celebrities in her time. “I try not to do too much research into them beforehand, or else I’d get nervous. I want to treat them the same as I would every other client.”

    One of her fondest EIFF memories is doing Jamie Campbell’s hair.

    Also known as Fifi la True, Jamie is a British drag queen who was the inspiration behind the musical ‘Everybody’s Talking About Jamie’ and its film adaptation. “He was with his mum and Gran that evening, and I ended up doing the hair for all three of them,” recalls Lauren. Whilst she was doing Jamie’s hair, his mum was ironing an incredible fuchsia pink, French Renaissance-style gown that had been made by his grandmother, and before Lauren left, she helped him into it, whilst he towered over her in beautiful 6-inch Louboutin’s.

    Another stand-out career moment was assisting on a shoot for Rachel Scott Couture at the Balmoral Hotel.

    Charlie Miller had been enlisted to style the hair at a special shoot for Rachel Scott Couture*, one of Edinburgh’s luxury bridalwear retailers. Rachel was launching Vivienne Westwood Bridal in her Dundas Street store; the first time VW ever launched outside of London!

    Lauren was sent a mood board full of braids and crimped hair, and by the time they were finished, the model was wearing a stunning satin gown and a crimped mohawk. “I didn’t want to leave!” says Lauren. “I wanted to stay and watch the photo shoot, and watch every shot taken by Blue Sky Photography, but I had clients booked in, and I went back to the salon on a high”.

    Lauren credits her three experiences with the prestigious L’Oréal Colour Trophy as defining moments in her career.

    “It taught me a lot. I was given trust and freedom from Jason to do what I wanted with my model’s hair,” she says.  

    “I got to support Molly during the photo shoot too and doing that made me realise I knew more than I thought I did; I didn’t feel nervous or out of my depth in that situation.” 

    She credits Company Director Jason Miller with teaching her so much on previous photo shoots. “I’ve always been part of the Colour Trophy shoots over the years, assisting in the background and watching.”

    Lauren’s inspiration for her entries comes predominantly from social media.

    Her love for hair colour means she always tries to have her finger on the pulse and has gotten to the stage that she finds herself picking up on trends before they happen. 

    Having a mum who was a stylist has also been a huge influence for Lauren. Her advice and support has always been invaluable. Particularly so when it came to preparing to enter the L’Oreal Colour Trophy from helping her choose outfits to calming her when she has a bit of a wobble. “She’s always unbelievably proud of anything I achieve. When I phoned to tell her about the three Charlie Miller Awards I won, she was in tears.”

    When Lauren was newly qualified, she worked in the salon we used to have in Harvey Nichols, where Cat Nicholson was her manager. Cat taught her the art of communication, and Lauren, who describes herself as naturally shy, values this immensely.

    A great consultation comes from asking investigative questions to get to the root of what the client truly wants, as well as the skills to help them understand their own hair shape and texture. As someone who’s passionate about colour, it’s important to Lauren to impart her knowledge on the vast differences between professional colour and box dyes.

    “It takes experience to be sure you’re explaining things properly, and confidence in your abilities to give the correct advice,” she explains.   

    Lauren is open and honest, which has created a great relationship with her clients. “I just want them to be happy!” she says. “That’s my main goal. Becoming part of a client’s life, doing their wedding hair and their hair for their birthday is a great feeling.” Her favourite element of hairdressing is working with people; “to show a client the end result in the mirror, see them smile and know I’ve contributed to that; well, it’s just amazing.”  

    There’s nothing that a client could ask for that would faze her, and she would take on any challenge, but experience has taught her that when it comes to a couple of colour techniques like balayage, that it’s okay to say, “I’m happy to do this, but my colleague here is even more amazing at it!”

    Lauren feels like an entirely different person from who she was a decade ago. “I’ve had a good few years,” she reflects. “I’ve had great experiences at the L’Oréal Colour Trophy, won my [Charlie Miller] awards and become Assistant Manager.”  

    She’d always known she wanted to lean into the artistic side of hairdressing, but her rise to Assistant Manager was a natural progression.   

    “I remember Charlie himself doing an interview where he said that everything that’s happened with the business was organic. And I feel like my journey has been, too. I’m not naturally the first to put my name forward for things.”   

    “My life really changed about 7 or 8 years ago.”

    “I moved out when I was really young but found myself properly on my own a few years back. I lost my dad around the same time, and he was my go-to, the one who would fix anything for me.”

    It’s clear that Lauren’s dad was her rock. “He was amazing. Incredibly supportive. That forced me to grow up; I was entirely responsible for myself. I came out the other side of that, 6 or 7 months later, much stronger and clearer. I got through it with constant support from my mum and the rest of my family, but it became obvious that if I wanted something, I’d have to do it myself.”  

    “I was always a bit wild.”   

    Lauren recalls that she and her fellow trainees worked hard, but always had a laugh. She remembers one of the girls getting into a towel box, but Amber came in for her lunch while she was in it, so instead of just getting out, she stayed in said box until Amber left the staff room. She’s unsure if Amber ever found out; of course, she will now!

    Lauren loved a night out (or an all-night rave, to be exact) and has experienced many a hungover Saturday as a trainee, but would never have dreamt of phoning in sick. It just wasn’t the done thing. “You just got on with it!” Lauren’s generation of hairdressers have certainly grown up now. “We’re all into wellness, yoga and matcha lattes now!,” she says.   

    Lauren has a novel way of relaxing on her breaks that might surprise a few people; she listens to Julio Iglesias!

    “He was my dad’s favourite.” she explains. She’s also a fan of Andrea Bocelli. Her favourite genre of music however, is rock or metal. She does throw us a bit of a curve ball though, when we ask what her go-to song for karaoke would be… “Without Me, by Eminem! I know every line, and Karen from Stafford Street will vouch for me on that!”   

    She also loves watching Schitt’s Creek, her comfort show, and an ideal day off would be spent with her little sister and mum. They often drive together to places like Callander or Kenmore. “Anywhere with fresh air and water.” She also loves quality time with her partner, Murray, who’s she’s been with for 7 years. She describes him as “incredibly supportive, encouraging and gives me space to do what I want to do.”   

    Murray has encouraged Lauren’s love of travel, contributing to her exploring more of the world than she has before. “I love travelling with him, he’s a lot of fun, really funny. He’s helped me feel confident about travel and I think I’d be able to go away on my own now.” Her favourite place so far has been Croatia, which is also where she had her favourite meal of all time, a traditional Croatian dish called Cevapi.   

    And on the subject of food; if she were one- what would she be?! She gets some input from others on this one, and two people say ‘melon’ (apparently, it’s a ‘chilled out’ fruit?!). Two others inexplicably say strawberry… Ultimately though, Lauren goes with “marshmallow, because I’m the world’s biggest softie!” 

    We ask Lauren if she happened upon a magic lamp, what her three wishes would be; she’d choose for her friends and family to be happy and healthy, for inner peace, and to be able to give her loved ones a comfortable life. If she could choose a super power, it would be to become a healer.  

    Ultimately, she’d like to be remembered as someone who was kind, chilled out and funny.   

    We’d go a little bit further than that; Lauren is a great support to the team at Holy Corner, a very talented and creative stylist and a great mentor. As much as Lauren credits others for teaching her how to communicate, her salon manager Amber tells us that Lauren’s abilities are very natural. 

    “It isn’t taught, it’s a feeling.” Amber tells us.   

    “Apart from her fantastic ability to look after each client with a great level of care and remembering all the details of previous visits, Lauren is incredibly intuitive at looking after staff and really listening to what they need. Lauren never seeks praise & always tunes in to the emotional well-being of the team.”

    “And,” adds Amber, “she always knows when I need a cup of tea.”  

    It’s word like these that show exactly why she’s a fantastic Assistant Manager, and a great asset to the Charlie Miller family.  

    You can also keep up to date with all the things our wonderful teams get up to by following us on our social channels, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Tiktok.


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  2. Quiet Luxury

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    We asked some of our stylists what colours, styles and general vibes were here to stay for winter and beyond, and the resounding answer were phrases such as ‘quiet luxury’ and ‘old money hair’.

    South St Andrew Street’s Salon Director Roz  predicts this winter will be all about ‘quiet luxury,’ and while rich auburns, velvety browns and beautiful brondes will be prominent, soft golden blonde is very much what she’s being asked for at the moment. “Think expensive Bond Street blondes that makes you question whether it’s the client’s real colour or not! These colours are effortless, not overdone. 

    These thoughts are echoed by South St Andrew Street’s Molly. Molly is one of our Senior Salon Stylists and a Salon Technician, who has noticed that “Old Money Blonde” is a popular search on TikTok this season… Think Sofia Richie Grainge’s soft multi-dimensional blonde or the lit-from-within caramel highlights of Blake Lively. She also highlights the amount of searches for “Old Money Hair” in general, which incorporates styling with soft, polished waves, low buns or big bouncy blow-dries, and cuts with curtain bangs and lots of layers. 

    Quiet luxury isn’t just for those with long locks either- French bobs and flicky, voluminous lobs are still very much in demand. 

    Asides from the length, it’s about finding a classic shade that compliments your complexion as well as your wardrobe. 

     We’ve certainly seen the return of clients investing in luxury haircare again over the last few months, and one key factor in maintaining opulent shades is to choose products that will genuinely contribute to its health, particularly giving it nourishment, lift and shine. 

    Whatever the tone, it looks expensive, along with a glossy finish, born from fabulous haircare.

     We’ve certainly seen the return of clients investing in luxury haircare again over the last few months, and one key factor in maintaining opulent shades is to choose products that will genuinely contribute to its health, particularly giving it nourishment, lift and shine. 

    Hydration is a must for luxe hair. Our Hydrate Shampoo and Conditioner duo work magic on dry hair and scalps, making hair happier, healthier and thoroughly hydrated. Finish sleek styles and gorgeous waves, or repair dry and damaged hair with our luxurious hair oil. Our oil won’t leave your hair greasy! Just use one or two drops to make hair extra-healthy, sleek and shiny.

    You don’t have to frequent the Upper East Side of Manhattan or have a Bond Street adjacent post code to look a million dollars. 

    The beauty of ‘quiet luxury’ is that it embraces minimalism when it comes to colouring. 

    Taking care of your hair at home can keep your colour for longer. Enhancing your natural colour might mean you can stretch out the time between highlight appointments (perhaps going from a full head of highlights to a half head) or focussing on tinting and toning rather than going in with a lightener at each appointment. An honourable mention should be given however, to how far hair lightening has come; with the advent of professional use products such as L’Oréal’s 9 Levels Lightening Powder and epres Professional Bond Repair, our colourists can lift your colour more safely than ever.  

    Big hair is back.

    There was a clear shift in 2023 from slicked back, sleek hair and more demand for lift at the root.

    Something that can truly elevate your look is a quality blow dry; nothing says “luxury” like hair with body and bounce, which can be achieved with a round brush or  a wide straightener.  

    We’ve seen an influx in ingenious ways to create a wave or curl since the days of lockdown; whether it’s with heatless curls or tong techniques. 

    From the humble roller to hot brushes, there are ways and means of getting that ‘blow out’ look with a little less arm pain from wielding your hairdryer!   

    Your stylist wants you to be able to recreate the look they give you at home; ask as many questions as you need, soak up as much knowledge as you can.  

    Stafford Street’s Senior Stylist Cameron loves creating big, voluminous blow dries and is often our staff’s go to to create glamorous looks that last the night. If you’re recreating the ‘blowout’ look at home, Cameron recommends bending the ends of your hair in sections with a straightener, then adding a roller to keep your look bouncy for longer.

    If you need to enhance the body and bounce, our Volume Shampoo and Conditioner can give you that, without foregoing the moisture hit- no overly squeaky-clean hair here! Follow by applying our Volume Mousse before your blow dry; not only is it a conditioning mousse but a heat protectant which will give your hair so much body. Swap this out for Volume Spritz if you’d like an extra shot of shine with your root lift; our blow dry spray boosts hair volume and adds extra shine, making hair look fuller and healthier

    Thick headbands and bows are very on-brand when it comes to the quiet luxury, or old money aesthetic. Black velvet, lace or cream satin will add to the vibe perfectly. 

    A little extra help…

    Since we’ve launched our extension service, we’ve found that most of the requests have been less for length, more for thickness. 

    Whether with bonds or tapes, the added strands create a fuller head of hair encouraging bounce and movement, often adding to a client’s confidence. A luscious mane can work wonders for one’s self esteem! With thicker, more voluminous hair, you can also experiment with various looks and styles. 

    Our blow dry prices start at £43. Book your appointment online today!

    Explore our haircare range here.

    Call to book a consultation with one our colourists or extension specialists in any of our city centre salons. Find your closest salon here.

    Keep up to date with all things Charlie Miller, and follow us on our social channels, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Tiktok.


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  3. Join our ‘Big Hair Do’ Party!

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    Join us for the ‘Big Hair Do’, the UK hair industry’s biggest party, on Wednesday 8th November, 6.30pm-9.00pm at our salon in Holy Corner for an unmissable and fun-filled evening of hair & beauty inspo with fizz and nibbles and so much more!

    Our Charlie Miller teams will be joined by an array of exciting suppliers showcasing some fabulous retail opportunities and appetisers that are sure to kickstart your festive mood.

    Tickets are only £10 each and give you immediate entry into our fabulous raffle. Check out some of our fabulous prizes below.

    Click here to book your ticket online today!

    Take advantage of EXCLUSIVE on-the-night discounted products, service bookings, plus a great raffle. Everyone attending will also receive a fantastic goody bag. Numbers will be capped so to make sure you join the party by buying your ticket now, and remember to pop a reminder in your diary!

    What To Expect

    Hair Bars
    Charlie Miller stylists will be on hand at two separate HAIR BARS to answer your hair dilemmas and provide you with hair pampering and quick-fix hair sessions, lessons in styling, and top tips and advice on colour or cutting. Get invaluable advice on the products that work best for your hair type and enjoy a one-night only incentive on products bought on the night.

    Dream of thick or long hair? Visit our EXTENSIONS station and speak to our extension specialists to find out all about Great Lengths tapes and bonds and how easy it is to get the hair thickness or length that you really want!

    Womankind Beauty
    The award-winning, professional beauty team at Womankind are all about make-up & skincare and you can enjoy mini glow ups, skin analysis and product tips and advice.

    McLaren’s on the Corner
    The fabulous local bar bistro, McLaren’s on the Corner will be serving up some incredibly tasty festive cocktails to tease your tastebuds.

    Rosie Brown Jewellery
    From necklaces, rings and bracelets to earrings and charms you’re sure to be tempted by these creative, handmade silver and gold collections with understated designs.

    Choose from a display of wonderfully scented candles that are hand-poured and packaged locally using plant-based wax, cotton-core wicks, and paraben-free, fine fragrance oil to ensure a long-lasting burn.

    Inside Out Chef
    Edinburgh-based company Inside Out Chef is run by Wendy Paterson who will be showcasing her seasonal jams, chutneys, sauces and pickles made from produce from her own garden or local suppliers. Wendy prides herself on also creating bespoke menus tailored to your requirements for weddings, birthdays, or christenings.

    Paper Tiger
    The Edinburgh destination for exciting, innovative and distinctive gifts, cards, stationery and gift-wrap.

    STEKAskills and STEKA
    We continue our fundraising for STEKA’s* hairdressing school in Malawi through the sale of its handmade Christmas tree decorations. This year the team in Malawi have made cat decorations in memory of our dear friend and colleague Cat Nicholson who introduced us to the charity a few years ago.

    *Malawian charity STEKA (Step Kids Awareness) is partnered with Scottish charity STEKAskills to help marginalised and poverty-experienced Malawians learn a trade that allows them to move out of poverty and build sustainable futures.

    And there’s more to come! 

    Raffle Prizes & Free Goody Bag!

    Our multi-winner raffle has some incredible prizes up for grabs including:
    Free skin analysis with Prescriptive Facial from Womankind
    Charlie Miller voucher for cut & colour
    Winter Orange Candle from Can-to-Candle
    £100 Réalta jewellery voucher
    IJ Mellis Lunch Deal Voucher (bottle of wine & cheeseboard for two at the Cheese Lounge)
    Honeycomb & Co hamper
    Charm bracelet from Rosie Brown Jewellery
    3 course meal for 2 guests with 2 Grey Goose Cocktails each from McLarens on the Corner.
    Paper Tiger Goody Bag
    Hamper from Inside Out Chef 

    Win a large hamper full of luxurious products from the Charlie Miller Haircare range with our “Guess How Many…” jar.

    Your FREE take home goody bag will be filled with vouchers and useful information. And a selection of indulgent hair & beauty treats for you to enjoy at home.


    Click here & book your place today!

    We can’t wait to see you there!

    Keep up to date with all things Charlie Miller, and follow us on our social channels, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Tiktok.

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  4. Help us Name a STEKAskills Hairdressing School in Malawi!

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    We are thrilled that with our clients’ help in the past 2 years we have raised enough money to kit out a STEKAskills* hairdressing school in Malawi.

    The young people at the Malawian STEKA care home are so thankful, they have asked us to name the school and we’d like your help!

    On our social channels you will have the chance to either suggest a name for the school or choose a favourite from the 3 suggestions below:

    1. Tsitsi Lokongola School – meaning beautiful hair in Chichewa (Malawi’s main language
    2. The Lotus-Miller Hairdressing School – the national flower for Malawi is a Lotus
    3. The CM School of Hairdressing

    We are selling the decorations again this year too. We are hoping to raise money to pay for a teacher, hairdressing kits and even some scholarships.

    These beautiful decorations are made by some of the people at the STEKA care home. They are available in all 5 salons whilst stocks last.

    *STEKAskills is a Scottish charity partnered with the Malawian charity STEKA (Step Kids Awareness) to support STEKA’s ambition to build a Centre for Vocational Skills & Community Enterprise in Malawi. Young people there are being helped to build a sustainable future.

    To keep up to date with all things Charlie Miller, make sure you are following us on our social channels. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. To find your nearest salon click here.

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  5. Embracing your Curls

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    Curls….love them or hate them! Where do you stand?

    Those of us with curly hair are always seeking out new ways to control waves, coils, kinks, spirals, S-bends and naturally textured hair. Some of us decide to leave our hair do its own thing instead of opting to style or straighten it.

    When blogger Sophie decided she no longer wanted to fight her curls but to embrace them, she asked Stafford Street’s Leigh for tips and guidance on how to work with its texture. The results are fantastic!

    In her first blog you can read all about Sophie’s reasons for embracing her curls. Her second blog reveals all the advice and techniques she was given from Leigh, and the products that worked for her curly hair.

    Prior to applying the colour, Leigh used an Olaplex treatment to help repair and protect the damaged and broken bonds in Sophie’s hair. She then applied Majirel copper tones in foils with a Dialight gentle toner that was taken through the mid-lengths and ends to diffuse the ‘lockdown’ root and tone in Sophie’s blonde.

    Sophie’s hair was shampooed with Charlie Miller Hydrate Shampoo and Conditioner for added moisture. To help control the curls she also had a Curl Manifesto Instant Treatment from the new Curl Manifesto range by Kérastase.

    Before being diffused dry, Sophie’s hair was then twisted with Charlie Miller Gloss Oil mixed with Shu Uemura’s Kengo Feather. Leigh finished the look with a little more Charlie Miller Gloss Oil to shake out the curls once the hair was dry. Embracing your curls in 2021 can lead to beautiful results!!



    To keep up to date with all things Charlie Miller, make sure you are following us on our social channels. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. To find your nearest salon click here.

    You can shop our full haircare range online here, or on Amazon UK. 

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  6. Post-Treatment Hair Series – The First Cut

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    We all know that hair loss is a common side effect when undergoing cancer treatment, and something that effects thousands of people every year.

    Our hair is a very important part of our identity and losing it can be a distressing experience in an already challenging time. But what happens post-treatment when the hair starts to grow back? It may have changed colour and texture. It may have grown back unevenly and at varying speeds.

    Following treatment, our very lovely, long-term client Sarah Howden experienced just that and asked us for help and advice. And, to support others in a similar position, she has kindly offered to share her journey in a series of post-chemotherapy hair blogs, this being the first.

    Throughout the process, we will be publishing updates from Sarah, as well as sharing advice and recommendations from her stylists Roz and Casey. Along with other stylists across the company, Roz has a wealth of experience in helping clients deal with hair loss during cancer treatment and giving guidance on how best to encourage growth and optimise the health of the hair.

    The First Cut

    I have been having my hair cut at Charlie Miller Salons for over 30 years, originally sitting on a booster cushion as I was so young, and having Charlie himself trim my long, thick hair. I absolutely loved the whole experience, always left feeling so special and it is why, as I enter my 40s, I wouldn’t consider anywhere else.

    The team have styled and transformed me through every big moment of my life. My graduation. My first red carpet movie premier (for work, sadly!). My wedding. The birth of my three children. And my cancer diagnosis last year. My stylist counselled me through wig choices and took the time to look at my selection, guiding me to the best one. She cut into my selected wig to ensure it looked as natural as possible and chopped my own hair short in preparation for it falling out. The team made me feel normal and gave me the confidence to enter this new terrifying stage with my head held high – hair or no hair.

    My hair did fall out, just two weeks after my first IV chemotherapy. I was so unwell with the cocktail of drugs and the extreme effect it had on my body that I actually didn’t care. Losing your hair does strip you of your femininity and it was hard to look at myself in the mirror. However, I was prepared, and my wig looked great on the days I was well enough to put it on.

    Now, more than a year later, after six rounds of chemotherapy and a gruelling stem cell transplant, I have new hair. It is dark (I used to be blonde), it is messy, it’s different lengths and textures but it’s back. And so, my first cut was a big deal to me. It was symbolic. I had made it to remission and my new stem cells had grown me a new mane.

    I was only ever returning to Charlie Miller Salons and, as ever, I felt instantly at home. And special. First up was a bit of an education on scalp and hair health to stimulate cell turnover and maximise my regrowth. I invested in their eponymous haircare range as all are sulphate and paraben-free, formulated with jasmine extract, organic calendula flower extract and organic sage oil to lock in moisture, sooth scalps and encourage new hair growth. Post cancer, you become extremely aware of what you put on and in your body.

    I also picked up a Manta hairbrush, a super gentle and anti-breakage innovative brush that also hugs the contours of your head, massaging the scalp to encourage hair growth. Funnily enough, it was developed by a professional hairdresser who created this brush for his wife who’d lost her hair after cancer.

    Then it was haircut time. My consultation had revealed that the ends of my hair where almost chalky with the effects of chemotherapy and needed to be cut away to promote healthier growth. After a wash, head massage (oh how I’d missed the Charlie Miller massages!) and hydrating treatment, my stylist trimmed and tidied my hair, expertly working it into the choppy pixie look I was hoping to achieve down the line. I was then shown how to style it and the best products to use to add depth and texture.

    The result was perfection, a masterclass in transformation. Friends and family loved it, strangers in the street complimented me. I no longer looked like a cancer patient and, importantly, for the first time in a long time, I felt good. Pretty, even.


    In the next post, Sarah will share an update on her progress with her hair: how it is growing and feeling, and how she has felt getting to grips with her new products and routine. Roz will also be sharing the wisdom behind the products she is recommending, as well as other advice for promoting hair health.

    If you don’t want to miss this series, make sure you are following us on our social channels. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. To find your nearest salon click here.

    Products mentioned in this post:

    Charlie Miller Haircare – Hydrate Shampoo (also available in Charlie Miller Salons)

    Charlie Miller Haircare – Hydrate Conditioner (also available in Charlie Miller Salons)

    Manta Brush (also available in Charlie Miller Salons)

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  7. Unstoppable Oona Feels so Beautiful

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    This week, Charlie Miller welcomed a very special client into our South St Andrew Street salon in Edinburgh for a very well-deserved afternoon of pampering.

    Oona Dooks was born with cerebral palsy, a complex neurological condition which affects movement and coordination. Her condition went unnoticed till the day she was born, when she arrived with severe deformities in both of her feet, with dislocated hips, and with no movement in her legs or her jaw. Unable to open her mouth or swallow, she was fed by tube and ventilated, and spent ten weeks in NICU. Oona’s family were told to expect her to be unable to walk, talk, eat or ‘form thoughts’.

    However, at 6 years old, she is now an unstoppable force. Last year, parts of Oona’s feet and hamstrings became active for the first time. These were parts of her body her therapists and doctors believed to be permanently paralysed.

    Oona now attends a mainstream school in Portobello and is signed to Zebedee Model Management. Among her many accolades, she has modelled for Marks & Spencer, and performed as a supporting actress in a BBC children’s drama.

    Beaming with pride, her dad Chris reflected on Oona’s recent progress: “I think the fact that she is sassy helps her. From when she was a baby, she was determined to move against all odds. This year in particular, especially throughout lockdown, she has made a huge amount of progress. We were able to purchase an inflatable spa for her, which she now uses every day, and we are already noticing huge differences in her movement just from spending time in the water. She sees it as fun and not strenuous exercise the way that other physio can be for her!”

    Oona was delighted with her new look from Salon Stylist, Sophie Frame: “I really, really loved my hair going curly. The hairdryer wasn’t too loud, and Sophie was really nice. I feel so beautiful.”

    Oona’s progress has been remarkable, but her condition still affects almost every aspect of her daily life.

    Her family are determined to help Oona continue to overcome her challenges and live life to the fullest. Through their online presence, Little Red Wheelchair, Oona’s family want to give hope to other families affected by this condition.

    They are also fundraising via Tree of Hope, to raise funds to support Oona’s ongoing treatment and development. Their biggest fundraising goal is to purchase a ‘second skin’ suit to help her reach her ambition to walk unaided.

    Please follow the link here to donate to Oona’s campaign.

    bona Looks Charlie Miller

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  8. Volume Spritz

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    Charlie Miller launches Volume Spritz in salon and online. Simply spray onto your hair to help give it a fuller, thicker look. You’ll find it also adds natural body and lift without weighing it down. Let your hair do the talking.

    Following on from the successful launch of other Charlie Miller products our Volume Spritz is a perfect add-on to the range.

    Salon Manager at Holy Corner, Amber Swift swears by it:

    “Volume Spritz is my favourite go-to styling product. I just love the way it absorbs into the hair. It gives great hold and form as well as adding oomph. The fragrance is awesome with Calendula Oil for hydrating & protecting the scalp and Jasmine Oil to add moisture for optimum shine. It’s fab to apply to dry hair, spritzing on and drying in for a firmer day to night look. I love it.”

    Key benefits:
    Volume Spritz is formulated with Jasmine Oil to lock in and maintain natural moisture and elasticity. It also contains calendula Oil that will help protect, hydrate and improve your hair and scalp. Silicone free and sulphate and paraben-free, it’s a treat for your hair.

    With it’s refreshing floral fragrance, Volume Spritz will also delight your senses. With clean top notes of green tea, orange and lemon combined with soft jasmine, rose and lily, gentle herbs, musk and oakmoss you’re sure to love the scent.

    The expansion of the Charlie Miller haircare range has been the ultimate goal for Joint Managing Directors, Jason and Josh Miller. “We’re thrilled to be expanding our product range and couldn’t have anticipated the amount of success that it has already received. It’s a dream come true!”

    Volume Spritz and all other Charlie Miller styling and haircare products are available in Charlie Miller salons or online at www.charliemillerhaircare.com.

    To find out about all new product launches and to keep up with all things Charlie Miller, don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

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  9. It’s Here! Charlie Miller Volume Mousse!

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    Introducing the latest addition to CM Haircare;
    Charlie Miller Volume Mousse

    Volume Mousse is the perfect add-on to the Charlie Miller styling range. It’s a lightweight mousse that will add volume and lift to dull, lifeless hair,  giving it a fuller, thicker look. This hair mousse will add natural body and lift without weighing your hair down. It also provides heat protection and helps boost texture.

    Key Ingredients and benefits:
    Adds volume and body to the hair and provides instant detangling, de-frizzing and combability
    Helps boost texture and provides thermal protection
    Nourishes hair from the inside, out
    Leaves a lasting shine
    Paraben-free, vegan and gluten-free

    With its refreshing fragrances, Volume Mousse will tickle your senses with top notes of green tea, orange and lemon combined with soft jasmine, rose and lily, gentle herbs, musk and oakmoss.

    The expansion of the Charlie Miller haircare range has been the ultimate goal for Joint Managing Directors, Jason and Josh Miller. “We’re thrilled to be expanding our product range and couldn’t have anticipated the amount of success that it has already received. It’s a dream come true!”

    You can buy Volume Mousse and all our other styling and haircare products in all 5 Charlie Miller salons or online at www.charliemillerhaircare.com.

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  10. 500 Free Haircuts For NHS Workers

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    ALL 500 FREE HAIRCUT APPOINTMENTS HAVE NOW BEEN FILLED. Thank you to all our lovely clients for your support, and to all our NHS staff for your incredible work.

    During our closure, team Charlie Miller announced that we were donating at least 250 appointments to NHS staff when we reopened our salons. In additional to this, we gave clients a chance to help us pay it forward further.

    We sold online e-vouchers for clients to redeem off future appointments. For each and every £100 online e-voucher purchased, we added an additional appointment for an NHS worker to our total.

    We are thrilled that, thanks to the help of our amazing clients, we have reached our target of 500 free haircuts for NHS staff.

    Until now, appointments have only been available for existing Charlie Miller clients. We are thrilled to announce that our 500 free NHS haircuts are now open to new clients!

    If you would like to redeem one of the 500 appointments, please email all of your contact details to info@charliemiller.com, along with which of our salons you’d prefer to attend for your appointment. Please note that appointments will be allocated dependent on salon and stylist availability.

    All salon locations can be found here.

    This offer is of course still open to existing clients. If you have an upcoming appointment, please get in touch to let us know you would like to redeem this offer. If you have had an appointment since we reopened and missed out on this offer, you can contact us to book your next appointment in advance to make sure you secure your slot before the appointments fill up.

    These appointments will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis, and are already filling up fast! Get in touch with us soon to secure your slot.

    You will need to present a valid NHS staff ID at your appointment to redeem this offer.

    We will announce on our social media channels once all 500 appointments have been filled.

    To keep up with all things Charlie Miller, don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.





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  11. THANK YOU NHS: Help us Pay it Forward

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    When we re-open our salons we will be donating more than 250 free haircuts to our extraordinary NHS staff.

    You can help us to pay it forward and help them even further. We are currently selling online e-vouchers for clients to redeem off future appointments. For each and every £100 online e-voucher purchased, we will donate an additional appointment to an NHS worker on your behalf. Also, as an extra thank you for your support, you will receive a complimentary Charlie Miller product when you visit the salon for your next appointment.

    Buy your vouchers online

    Full list of Terms & Conditions:

    Purchasing a Charlie Miller £100 E-Gift Card

    • For every £100 E-Gift Card you purchase we will give one complimentary haircut to a member of staff from NHS Scotland.
    • As part of your purchase you will receive one complimentary Charlie Miller Haircare product, of your choosing, at your next appointment.
    • The £100 E-Gift Card can only be purchased online at charliemiller.com. There is no limit to how many E-Gift Cards you can purchase.
    • The E-Gift Card will be delivered electronically to the email address you registered your Charlie Miller account with. We cannot be held responsible if the address is entered incorrectly and someone other than the intended recipient uses the E-Gift Card.

    Redeeming a Charlie Miller £100 E-Gift Card

    • Our E-Gift Cards can only be redeemed in salon as full or part payment of products and services. An E-Gift Card cannot be used to purchase a further E-Gift Card.
    • The E-Gift Card must be brought to the appointment in order to be redeemed. This can either be printed out or viewed on a phone/tablet device.
    • E-Gift Cards cannot be exchanged for cash.
    • E-Gift Cards may only be redeemed against products purchased in the same currency as the E-Gift Card.
    • We are not responsible if an E-Gift Card is lost, stolen, destroyed or used without permission and no replacement will be provided in these circumstances.


    • All E-Gift Cards are dated and expire 12 months from the date of issue.


    Booking an appointment

    • When the Charlie Miller salons re-open, appointments can be made over the phone and in salon. Please state when booking that the appointment is for an NHS Scotland staff member.

    Appointment Validity & Availability

    • Valid for one haircut appointment. Additional services can be added at the time of booking and paid for at the appointment.
    • The haircut appointment is valid Monday to Saturday, at all salons and with all stylists. Subject to availability.
    • Appointments will be available until all complimentary haircuts have been donated.
    • The NHS Staff must bring their NHS Staff Identification Badge with them to their appointment or they will be required to pay for the haircut.

    Charlie Miller reserves the right to update and change the terms and conditions of our Charlie Miller E-Gift Cards at any time. This does not affect your legal rights. Use of your Charlie Miller E-Gift Cards constitutes acceptance of our Terms and Conditions. 

    Keep an eye on our socials, as all announcements regarding when we will re-open will be shared here. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

    In the meantime, take care & we can’t wait to see you again soon.

    Team Charlie Miller

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  12. Hair SOS: Make Your Colour Last at Home

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    How to make your colour last at home…

    This is a tough and unprecedented time for all of us. Everything is uncertain: our routines have been flipped on their head, and we are all having to make a huge amount of change in order to adapt. It’s a challenge, but the one thing that is certain is that we are all in this together.

    Whilst our salons’ doors remain closed to ensure the safety of our clients and staff, we would love to use our social channels to help you keep feeling your best (even if your biggest social engagement is with Netflix and the sofa).

    We all know that how you are feeling on the inside often reflects on your outside. That’s why in these challenging times it is crucial that you practice good self-care. Use that little bit of extra time to do things that bring you joy and confidence. Your hair is a very good place to start…

    We will be posting regularly throughout the next few weeks with our top tips, products, and regimes to keep your hair looking and feeling fabulous from home. We will also be sharing the rituals our Charlie Miller family are adding into their personal lives to keep a sense calm, hope, and mindfulness.

    Today, we would like to talk about colour maintenance. Understandably, many of our lovely clients have reached out to us to express their concern about not being able to maintain their hair colour during self-isolation.

    Here are some of the top questions we have received, and some helpful solutions…

    1. Can you sell me my colour pre-mixed so I can apply at home?

    Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. The colour we use in the salon has a delicate shelf life, and needs to be mixed with accuracy immediately before it is applied to the hair. If we were to pre-mix colour to deliver it to clients, it would go off before it could be used. All our colour services are completely bespoke, so you would need multiple combinations of colour, and oxidant. Colour is chemically formulated and must be handled with caution. To be blunt, it could end in a disaster.

    2. Can I use a box dye?

    We completely understand the temptation for a quick fix, but please consider the lasting effects that using a box dye can have on your hair.

    As mentioned, the colour services you receive in salon are completely bespoke and multi-dimensional. Box dye is one formula, one flat colour. ONE application of box dye can undo all of your stylist’s hard work to get you to your desired colour.

    The condition of your hair will be compromised. Box dyes are packed with huge amounts of pigment and ammonia, this is a completely unnecessary overload which applied without expert care will have a drastic effect on the health and condition of your hair.

    Even though it might seem like a quick fix, undoing the effects of a box dye is a lengthly, and pricey process in the long run. Please resist the temptation, you will thank us later.

    3. What can I do to maintain my colour while I can’t go to the salon?

    There are some fab products on the market which will help you in the meantime, without having detrimental effects on your hair in the future.

    If roots are your concern, we recommend a temporary root spray. They come in a multitude of shades; you apply them to dry, clean hair, and they will last until you shampoo them out.

    Our stylists recommend Color Wow Root Cover Up or ProL’Oreal Professionnel Hair Touch Up.

    If you’re worried about tone, you can keep the brassiness at bay with a good silver shampoo. The purple-toned pigment in the shampoo will neutralise and remove yellow tones in highlighted, bleached or grey hair. You can order our Silver Shampoo here.

    There are other simple steps you can take to elongate your colour and stop it from fading. Give it a break – over-washing your hair strips the hair of its natural oils and dislodges colour molecules, causing your colour to fade. Use a good heat protectant, frequent heat styling can also cause your colour to deteriorate. Finally, give your hair a little TLC, use gentle and sulphate free formulas, and deep conditioners. Keep your eyes peeled, as we will be sharing our stylists’ hero products which you can use at home over the next few weeks.

    We know this is a stressful time and we are here to help you through it. Please let us know what helpful tips and tricks you would like to see from us in the coming weeks.

    Stay safe and take care,

    Team Charlie Miller

    To keep up to date with all things Charlie Miller, don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!

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  13. Little Princess Trust & Team Jak Event

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    On Sunday 1st March 2020, 29 amazing individuals will be visiting our Stafford Street salon to donate their hair to Little Princess Trust & raise money for local charity Team Jak.

    The event is a celebration of leap year and is also hugely inspired by our lovely friend Agatha King. Back in February 2015, Agatha was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia and lost her hair during treatment. On being told that she was going to lose her hair Agatha asked for it to be cut off and donated to the Little Princess Trust which, Charlie Miller Managing Director, Jason did in the ward on 3rd March 2015. Fast forward to 2020, Agatha is now 2 and half years in remission and is a healthy happy 9-year-old. Her hair has fully grown back, and she is having it cut again on the day by Jason.

    Agatha and her family are also tirelessly fundraising for Team Jak. Team Jak was created at the request of inspirational teenager Jak Trueman following his own journey with childhood cancer.

    Inspired by Jak’s dreams, they provide practical, social and emotional support to children and young people with cancer, aged 0–25, as well as their families, friends and those bereaved. Agatha and her family were helped immensely by Team Jak’s services, and they want to help them continue to provide support to other families going through incredibly difficult times.

    If you would like to show your support, you can find the fundraising page here. All donations, big and small, will be gratefully received by Team Jak.

    To see all our coverage of this exciting event and to keep up to date with all things Charlie Miller, don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!

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  14. Welcome Inside Our New Stafford Street Salon

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    Our flagship Stafford Street salon has had the ultimate makeover and we can’t wait to show you inside.

    Charlie Miller Stafford Street Salon

    Take the 360-degree tour by clicking here.

    It’s been 18 years since our last Stafford Street salon refit and a change was well overdue, so for that reason we welcomed the help of Scotland’s leading interior designer, Ian Smith Design & Architecture to modernise our Georgian townhouse salon.

    The salon was transformed in just 5 weeks and is now a space of true luxury

    Charlie Miller Satfford Street Salon Large porcelain tiles that, in appearance, resemble natural pale polished concrete, fill the floor and walls. Tall, bespoke mirrors are designed to sit off the walls, and a discreet LED light strip is placed behind the mirror to create a warm halo of light.

    For our clients in a high-tech world, we also provide free Wi-Fi and charging worktops, which are built into every station.

    At the back of the salon, we feature Maletti’s ‘Modern’ wash units designed by Philippe Starck. This provides a new level of luxury and high-end comfort, and they can be adjusted to suit each client’s personal preference.

    So why not visit one of our friendly Stafford Street stylists and relax in true comfort. Better yet, enjoy a complimentary refreshment while having your hair transformed. Choose from a barista-style coffee or tea, a glass of Prosecco or Arbikie Gin with Cushidoos tonic…now that’s our kind of relaxation!

    Here’s what our clients love about our Stafford Street stylists

    “Possibly one of the best haircuts I’ve ever had – very friendly hairdresser who cut and styled my hair exactly how I wanted it! Super happy! Will come back! Would definitely recommend!”

    – Reviewed on Google 

    “I go monthly, great hairdressers. I feel pampered when I leave. My hair is always perfect. Friendly, great colourist, well trained. Like a family.”

    – Reviewed on Google

    “A pleasure to write about Karen. She is an absolute professional who is excellent at her job, but she is also sympathetic and absolutely delightful to me on a weekly basis. I always enjoy our encounters and I always leave CM in Stafford Street feeling and looking better.”

    – Reviewed on Google 

    Appointments can be made online at charliemiller.comDon’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to keep up with all things hair!

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  15. Charlize Theron: Short Hair Tips

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    Spotted! Charlize Theron is in Edinburgh for the filming of Fast and Furious 9 and we’re absolutely obsessed with her short hair!

    A blast from the past

    Charlize Theron holds a special place in our hairdressing hearts. In 2006, India Miller had the honour of styling Charlize (3 times!) for the Edinburgh International Film Festival’s 60th anniversary and loved every minute of it.

    India said: “We were chatting away and when I mentioned it was my birthday and that I was going out for a meal, Charlize insisted that I take her chauffeur-driven car to the restaurant!”

    Charlize Theron in 2019

    Charlize sports a gorgeous cropped style for her new film, and it got us thinking…What are our top tips to consider before having the chop?

    1. Shorter hair = lighter hair! If you have curly or wavy hair, these will become looser with a short style as there is less weight pulling them down. Shorter hair also has a tighter texture meaning that any curl or wave will instantly become tighter and pop!

    2. For those of us with fine hair, opting for a shorter cut creates the look of thicker hair, which is the perfect cure for wispy locks.

    3. Who’s to say you have to chop your mop all in one go? Let your stylist know just how short you ultimately want to go and work towards it. Slow and steady has never faulted us yet!

    4. A picture says 1000 words: bring in visual aids to help your stylist envision exactly what you’re after.

    5. Upkeep is a must for short hair! Everything will appear more obvious, from root regrowth to extra length. Scheduling regular appointments with your stylist is vital to keeping your short hair looking fab!

    6. Enjoy the freedom: cutting off your hair can be liberating. You’ll use less shampoo, your hair dries quicker and it takes less time to style in the morning.

    7. Your short hair will look its very best when styled every day. When you have long hair, getting away with sleeking it back into a pony tail during those dreaded bad hair days is easy, but short hair must be styled daily.

    So there you have it, our top tips to consider before taking the plunge. Let us know if you are thinking about going short this season by joining the conversation over on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!

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  16. Reducing Our Environmental Footprint: Scrummi Towels

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    At Charlie Miller, we strive to do right by our clients, and that includes protecting the environment at the same time. In all 5 salons, we use Scrummi towels – the ultimate sustainable solution to cotton towels.

    How has Scrummi helped reduce our environmental footprint?

    Since 2011 we have made a dramatic difference. Here’s what we’ve achieved so far:

    • We’ve reduced 500 plus tonnes of CO2
    • We’ve saved 8.3 million litres of chemically contaminated water

    What are Scrummi towels?

    Scrummi is a single-use, 100% biodegradable vegan towel that is made from soft and natural wood fibres from sustainable forestry programs. This means it not only protects our environment, but it’s also free of germs and fresh every time!

    How do they differ from cotton towels?

    No matter how hard you wash a cotton towel (and no matter how much energy you use) germs will remain. They’re invisible to the naked eye, but trust us when we say that lots of fungal and bacterial pathogens are waiting, just below the over-washed scratchy surface, ready to be unleashed onto the next client. But not at Charlie Miller! Scrummi towels are 100% germ and scratch-free. We don’t blame you if you never want to go near a cotton towel again…

    How does this help?

    Typical salon towels use literally thousands of kw/h of electricity to wash them after each use. This process equals lots of CO2 which adds to the impact of global warming…but wait, there’s more. An average washing machine load of synthetic towels equals 700,000 micro-plastics and harmful detergents and toxins which have a devastating impact on our oceans.

    Check out the Scrummi timeline:

    Scrummi = Happy Customers + Happy Environment

    To find out more about the Scrummi towels we use in our salons click here. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to keep up with all things hair!

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  17. Amber’s Hair Donation – Wigs for Cancer Patients

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    Our young client, Amber Hosie-Martin donated her hair to The Little Princess Trust, an internationally-renowned charity that makes real hair wigs for cancer patients.


    In April 2019, The Little Princess Trust confirmed its partnership with the pioneering wig project, Hair4U. Our young client, Amber, had her hair cut by Holy Corner Salon Director, Amber Swift and donated it to the charity. Along with other donations, her beautiful hair will be used by The Little Princess Trust to help make real hair wigs for cancer patients.

    Hair 4 U

    Hair4U was launched in 2007 to provide free real hair wigs for children and young people who have experienced hair loss as a result of cancer. The Teenage Cancer Trust supported the cause for more than a decade and, this year, handed over the reins to The Little Princess Trust.

    We are thrilled to have found such an esteemed and experienced partner in The Little Princess Trust”, says Jason Miller, Joint Managing Direct at Charlie Miller. “This will help continue the fantastic service that Teenage Cancer Trust, Charlie Miller and all the participating Salons* throughout the UK, have provided since 2007.’

    Phil Brace who is Chief Executive at The Little Princess Trust says: ‘We are so honoured to be collaborating with Charlie Miller. Our Trust has long-admired the project and we are looking forward to continuing the wonderful work started by Charlie Miller and Teenage Cancer Trust.’

    Dawn Crosby, Interim Head of Regional Services, Teenage Cancer Trust says: ‘After more than a decade of working with Charlie Miller to provide real hair wigs to young people through the Hair4U project, we are delighted to hand over the reins to The Little Princess Trust. We believe it is the perfect partner to continue this amazing work.’

    Wig cutting specialist Cat Nicholson (centre) meets Little Princess Trust Team members

    Other participating salons involved in the Hair4U project include Aesthetics (Solihull, Henley), Alan Edwards (Glasgow), Andrew Collinge (Liverpool), Cutting Room Creative (Leeds), Errol Douglas (London), Haringtons (Southampton, Winchester), Hooker & Young (Wynyard, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne), Ishoka (Aberdeen), Ken Picton Salon (Cardiff), Lewis Moore (Sutton Coldfield), Mark Hill (Hull), McIntyre’s (Dundee), Migele Experience (Kirkcaldy), Rainbow Room International (Glasgow, Stirling), Russell Eaton Lifestyle Salon (Leeds) and The Hairbank (Manchester).

    Stay informed with all our news on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. 

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  18. Graduation Hair: Our 2019 Top Picks

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    Graduation is one of the most memorable days of your life (thanks to the never-ending family snaps) so make sure your graduation hair is picture perfect.

    Our Charlie Miller stylists have created 4 graduation hairstyles for all hair types. Whether you have straight, wavy, long or short hair, we’ve covered it all.

    Check them out:

    Graduation hairstyle for long or short hair

    1. Hairstyle for long or short hair

    This sleek style is perfect for those with straight hair. Simple and elegant, this style is relatively low-maintenance and will stay looking great long into the evening. To make sure your hair is extra smooth and shiny, we like to use Charlie Miller Hydrate Shampoo and Conditioner before styling.

    Graduation hairstyle for long hair

    2. Hairstyle for long hair

    This boho-inspired style is perfect for those with long, wavy hair. This style ensures hair stays in place and looks freshly styled all day.

    Graduation hairstyle for short hair

    3. Hairstyle for short hair

    This updo works great for those wanting to show off their dress. The style has just the right amount of elegance, while staying neatly in place and off the shoulders. We love to use the Charlie Miller Volume Shampoo and Conditioner to give the hair body and fullness.

    Hairstyles to suit a graduation cap

    4. Hairstyles to suit a graduation cap

    This braided updo is perfect for the summer months. As a bonus, it also works well for those styling it with a graduation cap.

    Our favourite styles give a summery feel, with braids and waves being a consistent theme. Take any of the above styles and make them your own or book an appointment at one of Charlie Miller’s Edinburgh hair salons and let us help get a style to suit you!

    Charlie Miller welcomes students to enjoy 30% off cut and colour appointments. Discount valid Monday-Thursday with a Graduate or Salon Stylist and Salon Technician. Excludes the months of February and December. For full T&Cs, click here.

    Keep up to date with all things Charlie Miller and Charlie Miller Haircare on Instagram!

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  19. Embracing Your Grey?

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    Ever considered going grey?

    In the recently relaunched Sunday Post P.S. Magazine, Jason Miller shares his advice on how to embrace your natural grey.

    Going grey in style




























    Keep up to date with all things Charlie Miller and Charlie Miller Haircare on Instagram.

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  20. Awards 2018

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    The glamour of Charlie Miller graced Edinburgh this week at our annual Achievement Awards ceremony.

    This year, the 19th Charlie Miller Awards, were held at the Kimpton Hotel on Charlotte Square where guests enjoyed delicious food and excellent hospitality. Attending the event with 100+ staff and management were our founders Charlie & Janet Miller along with guests from Kérastase, L’Oréal and We Are Hair & Beauty.

    In addition to the celebrations, the night was all about having fun! Games such as Play Your Cards Right and Hit or Miss were woven throughout the ceremony and played by all attendees. Staff also participated in tombola comprising of wonderful gifts from local Edinburgh businesses such as:

    The Balmoral, Fox & Co, Di Maggio, Chamomile Sanctuary, Glam Candy, Hard Rock Cafe, PAINT Hair & Nails, Honeycomb & Co., Lauren Gollan Makeup,  Radisson Collection, Paper Tiger, Mimi’s Bakehouse, Ocean Terminal, One Spa, Kimpton Hotel, Scran & Scallie, Pickering’s Gin, The Glasshouse, Wildflowers, Fazenda, Gusto and All About Eve.

    Compered by radio presenter and event host, Grant Stott, the evening culminated in high excitement and rapturous applause on the announcement and presentation of 24 Charlie Miller Achievement Awards.


    Rosslyn Orr, Outstanding Hairdresser of the Year

    Rebecca Fairclough, Trainee of the Year Stafford Street

    Ria Taylor, Trainee of the Year South St Andrew Street

    Demi Colligan, Trainee of the Year Frederick Street

    Megan MacColl, Trainee of the Year Ocean Terminal

    Ellie Gilhooley, Trainee of the Year Holy Corner

    Rachel Grayson, 3rd Year Trainee of the Year

    Ria Taylor, Trainee Competition Winner Group B

    Demi Colligan, Trainee Competition Winner Group A

    Natalie Cole, Retail Salesperson of the Year

    Denise Brown, Receptionist of the Year

    Natalie Cole, Treatment Salesperson of the Year

    80+Club Winners (Client Retention) : Corry Riley, Elle Craik, Karen Kennedy, Leigh Forrest, Lorraine McDiarmid, Rosy Kenny, Karyn Holloway, Laura Wyles, Michelle Baigan, Nicola McGuire, Richard Beggs,  Rosslyn Orr, Hayley Dallas, Hannah Lennon, Lynsey Wilson, Natalie Cole, Karen Jones, Tammy Neillings, Amber Swift, Lisa Allen, Steven Suckling & Lauren Tait 

    Yvonne Blyth, Janet Miller Award

    Joanna Drummond, Graduate Stylist of the Year

    Carla McGuire, Salon Stylist of the Year

    Philip Michie, Senior Stylist of the Year

    Nicola McGuire, Head Stylist of the Year

    Karen Kennedy, Senior Head Stylist of the Year

    Neil Purves, Men’s Stylist of the Year

    Philip Michie, Salon Technician of the Year

    Hayley Dallas, Senior Technician of the Year

    Rosslyn Orr, Head Technician of the Year

    Well done to our wonderful team!

    Keep up to date with all thing Charlie Miller by following our Salon and Haircare Instagram.

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